Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hier soir, the parade du Carnaval!



Lapin Poulain said...

T'as l'air gelé, Cochon Fou! :)

Hellcat said...

You look really bored Piggy. Or is that ANOTHER cousin?

crazzy piggy said...

I was, je l'étais...
Et c'est Folichon, in french, Cochon Folichon! Oink!

Hello chérie! Not bored, frozen! No, no, no, this is moi, le vrai me! Frozen, but still loving you! Bisous!

Hellcat said...

You look like a pigsicle then! Instead of a popsicle!! You look tastier fat and ready to pop than freezing.

crazzy piggy said...

Soon I will pop in Australia....