Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Je suis sous le choc!

This morning, en me rasant, soudainement, the truth appeared to moi!


It was so clair, so sure, so évident... Then I cut myself and a litlle bit of stuffing went out of my chin... But I didn't cried.

Now, I will me coucher and see if I will die in a long and painful agony...


crazzy piggy said...


Mei Shile said...

Poor toi ;-(! You can brailler sur my shoulder

Merlin the Hoot Kat said...

Poor Crazy!!!! Il y a other females, I can assure you!!!! Meoooowwww!

crazzy piggy said...

mei shile: Non, non, non, I wont brailler! I am a Proud Pig! My heart is broken, je vais peut-être mourir, mais pleurer... jamais!

merlin: Other females? Non, non, non, I am not intéressé, females don't like guys like me...

Now, my friends, let me rest in Peace... mon coeur, my little heart, is beginning to battre plus lentement, slowly... the end is near...

Anonymous said...

Hohohoooo!.....Le coeur is beginning to battre lentement!..
The end is proche!!!!!
Y as-tu queq'un pour appeler le 911?..
Dear Piggy, il faut toffer...Courage!...Bisous.

crazzy piggy said...

No, no, no, dear marraine-fée aristocatique, best que le 911, le fettuccini carbonara!

Dale the Cat said...

Thank goodness! Je see by les autres comments que you are saved. Pauvre little piggy. Fettucine Carbonara peut sauver the coeurs brisés.

crazzy piggy said...

Yes! Oink!
Je me sens very, very better now!

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