Bon, ici is my point de départ! Hello moi!

So, peut-être que je could pass by this place? A-F-R-I-Q-U-E! Oh, isn't it the land of that dangereux animal? L'autruche? Oh, Mon Dieu! But nothing could stop moi from aller rejoindre ma belle Hellcat, mon adorée! Non, rien, no océan, no désert, no tempête, no autruche... nothing!!!!!!!!!
Hellcat dares you! If you don't drown, get eaten by osterichs, struck by lightening, or die of thirst in a desert first ... I will drown myself!
Must go ... there is a HUGE storm Down Under and need to shelter my devils, snakes, spiders and crocodiles ...
Oh, a challenge? Pour mon amour adorée? Oui, oui, oui, I love that! That will be the challenge of my life! And at the end, I will save you ma chérie, and we'll be togezer for ever...
But I have to say that you have strange pets down there... Oh, là, là...
Kissy, kissy meaoink!
Hheheheh! Nice adventures in perspective! :))))
My my my! Don't do that, Cochon!!!!
I just received my passeport!
Je vous montrerez cela bientôt...
Dear Mr. Poulain... my name is not Cochon! Mon nom est Crazzy Piggy! Avec deux "z"... S'il-vous-plaît!
Hohohooooo!...Dear piggy, AUSTRALIA is not at the door à coté...
Well!...But.... I have une géniale idéa...Why not my private jet?..
Juste 23 heures to fly, no snakes, spiders ou crocodiles!..
Juste un little problemo...! My jet is en réparation for 10 mois...
Oh! C'est so nice of you! :@)
But no problemo, I will take l'aventure! Because L'Aventure c'est l'Aventure! (One of my favorite film!)
I just received my passeport... I will show you that soon...
Oh, et puis, I told Hellcat that you were my Fairy Godmother, ma marraine-fée... Hope you don't mind... Parfois, la vérité est plus fantastique que le mensonge... et j'ai aussi dit qu'il y avait des chats dans ma famille... Hi, hi, hi! :@)
I don't mind pantoute!.. C'est juste more funny.....
J'ai hâte de see that...
GREAT post! LOL. roflWMP WWA!
Thank you Catnapping! Nice to see you here!
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