Oui, oui, oui, a real passeporc! Just for me! Remarquez le "c" de passeporc! Isn't that totally crazzy? Those people are so nice! Et aussi, when I asked for a spécial Visa for Down Under, they said: "No problemo!" J'ai même rencontré, yes, yes I met him in person, the Consul Général of Down Under, a very nic..... well, a very special person...
Merci! Thank you!
Foule en délire!
*VOMIT* You're only eight years old Crazzy Pig ... you'll be killed off way before getting even a kangaroo's jump away from Hellcat!
Fais attention si tu passes par le Japon. Le cochon du Québec est reconnu comme un des plus savoureux :-D
Dear Hellcat, your thoughtfulness touch me beaucoup, beaucoup! Kissy, kissy...
But don't worry, before I go, I will take some leçons de Karaté from Lapin Poulain! It will be ok... :@)
Chère Mei Shile, je sais bien que tout le monde veut me manger... *soupir* Tout ce que je souhaite, c'est qu'il en reste un peu pour Hellcat lorsque j'arriverai en Australie... T'as vu comme c'est loin? *gros soupir*
That's true que your meat is very tendre sous la teeth :-D
Yes, mais comme je suis en peluche, certains préfèrent quand même le bacon...
Yes.... a real et so nice passeporC. I knew que après my phone au
consul général.....!!!....Que l'affaire était dans le bag!!!!!!!
Ho pardon!!!
C'est aristo.cat qui envoye ce comment...Mais bon....
You savez, j'ai tellement de noms,
que je ne sais plus oû donner de la noblesse!!!!
Joy Eliz says... How cute! I've finally figured out the Crazzy Piggy secret - I had an idea... I knew I saw you somewhere before but now I know for sure.
*ElizaDeath Hellcat has no knowledge of this comment - shhhh it's a secret... she'd scratch me if she knew!
Oh! Don't worry, I wont tell her! Those cats are sooooooooo sensible sometimes...
Oups, I've been discovered? I didn't know I had a secret!?!?!
But are you sure? If you think my blogger originate on Merlinprincesse, you got the wrong answer... You'll have to search more, heh, heh.....
And maybe you saw me on The Unknown's Blog? I remember seeing you there, with another profil icon... It's a small Blogger's world after all...
Great nouvelles on your passeporc, Piggy! I congratule you!
Thank you Capt'n! But now that I realized that Hellcat is not in love with me, I don't know where I will go with my little passeporc...
Well, I'm sure I'll find out...
Are you really 14 years old?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *with respect*
And say bonjour to Miss Canadian Swiss! :@)
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