Yesterday, je suis allé in the frigo, the fridge, to have un petit snack! Alors, I saw again that grosse box and finally decided to open it! *!!!??!!??!???!???* Oh, I was so émotionné! There was full of big EGG-OOO in the box! I began to parler, but, how foolish of me, I was talking in french! So I took my best english accent and said: "Hhhhilllo, zi eggooooooooooooooooo!"
Believe it or not, I talked and parler for a while, I never could recevoir any answer!

But I finalement découvrir pourquoi! When I closed the box, I regarder on it and it was written "extra large size"!!! And my friend Egg-OOO is a medium size!
Now, I wonder why it is just les grosseurs médiums qui parlent... Maybe it is because he is boiled? Ahhhh, so tant de questions, and so little time....