Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ohhhhh! La vérité sur moi...
Ohhhhh! The truth about me...

Cette semaine, I décider to go in Australia to see mon adorée Hellcat!!! But, I need un passeport! Mioink! Terrible décision to take! I will have to show mon réel moi!

Ok, j'avoue... Above, this is moi... All my chilhood, j'étais complexé about my eyes... Usually, pigs have little piggy's eyes, yeux porcins. But there is some in ma famille qui ont those big eyes... I was afraid Hellcat could rejeter moi! So I asked un cousin, Arnold, to pose pour moi... So, below, it is Arnold, mon cousin et meilleur ami. Merci Arnold!

Ceci est ma photo de passeport! It's a little bit dull, but vous savez, they told me not to smile... Now, I have to wait for mon passeport, une ou deux weeks! Then.... Australia! Hmmm, I will have to know where is that country of ma petite minounette Hellcat! Elle est si charmante!

Hellcat, m'aimez-vous toujours aussi passionnément? Me, I do. Meowoink!


crazzy piggy said...

Oups! Je vais devoir change my profil icone... :@)

Anonymous said...


crazzy piggy said...

Qui a-t-il de drôle? What's so funny?

Hellcat said...

I'll DROWN MYSELF before you get anywhere NEAR DOWN UNDER!!!!

Mademoiselle Princesse said...

That anonymous was me!
YOU!!! Trying to copy my beautiful blue eyes... I will pop yours out! Mwhahahahahha! *i'm sooobad*

crazzy piggy said...

hellcat: Oh, it's not going to be really soon, I have to découvrir where is Australia first! It's very nice ma chérie to think of taking a bath before I arriver, but not really necessary... C'mon, I'm a pig!
Bisous, bisous...

cousine princesse: Not copying, my dear! My blue is much deeper than yours! You seems to be a little agressive récemment... need some rest maybe. Are the glasses to cacher your poches sous les yeux?

Mademoiselle Princesse said...

J'aipâdepochesouslesyeux!!!! Ok lâ lâ!!!!!

crazzy piggy said...

Je vous tâââââquinais, voyons, chaiiiiiiiiire âââââmie!

Anonymous said...

Cousin cousine,.. Pas toujours rigolo hein!...
For your passeport, did you try un
"accommodement raisonnable"? Very in....Surtout for un so nice and spécial Piggy like you!..

Des poches sous les yeux!!!

crazzy piggy said...

Pour aller en Australie, un accomodement raisonnable, ce serait un kangourou?

Hellcat said...

You wouldn't fit into a kangaroo's pouch even if cut into tiny pieces!!!!

crazzy piggy said...

Oh, kangourou's poche is soooooooooooooooooooo small?

Anonymous said...

Oui, probablement il est donc