Yesterday, je suis allé visiter my cousins, Princesse et Merlin!

On these photos, remarquez the cute petit hat and the cute litlle foulard! My friend Clo had knit those pour moi! On the below pictures, my cousins are having fun with the hat. We call those hat une tuque! It is for winter. Because I bientôt will go for a long voyage, I will need some special clothes...

Cousine Princesse was a bit angry avec moi because of something not nice I said to her... So I had to charm her a little... it works!

We chat a while (oh, quelle bonne blague, chat! Huh, huh, huh...) then she gave me an orange! She knows j'adore les oranges, but I think she gave it to me because she hates those... On the above photo, we are regarder the stars... Then, I told her: "L'amour, c'est regarder tous les deux dans la même direction..." That means: "Love is looking together in the same direction!"

Alors, Mademoiselle Princesse answered: "Don't push it too much, Cochon!"

Quelle magnifique party! But, of course, I finir it alone, because, vous savez, cats are always sleeping! So Monsieur Merlin and Mademoiselle princesse left me alone and sont allés se coucher very, very early...